Syriana should be a good film - I want to see just what sort of evil masters I've sold my soul to by entering the oil industry... There's a good book about that whole thing too - "The Prize". Apparently the whole Israel-Palestine conflict exists because the British split up the oil rights/controlling influence in the Middle East with the US after WW1. But everything's so vanilla these days, you just don't get that kind of apocalyptic greed and apathy anymore. I mean, look at Afghanistan and Iraq. The US took the evil there to task, and wiped those countries clean, all for the humanitarian good. It may have cost a few lives on both sides, but really - the people are happier. And since then Bush has made sure the countries receive all the aid they need to get back on their feet, starting with the development of their naturally vast petroleum reserves. This is sensible, because it ensures a stable, State(s)-owned income for the people, and encourages jobs across the board, as many menial tasks are created by the multitude of Western advisory entities flooding in to provide aid and buoy up these proud peoples in their time of need.
The ancillary effects are widespread also. Just as an example, in Afghanistan the harsh rule of the Taliban Mujahideen guerillas was to the detriment of the populace and the country. They are proficient fighters, to be sure - for how else could they have survived and ultimately resisted the equally evil Soviet invaders during the 80s? ... So when America (Fuck Yeah!!) stepped in to bring these despots to task, they knew they were facing a rugged, thoroughly trained, well equipped fighting force. Surprisingly, they also knew the leaders and key figures fairly well - but that's just another laurel of merit for the US Intelligence Services.
So now, stability and peace reign in the Middle East, thanks to Bush and the American people. The only possible sources of trouble come from the direction of rogue elements within society, but - like football hooligans in England - you're always going to have someone who's a little dissatisfied with the result. What's important though is keeping the majority happy, and all the Arab nations are finally at rest and moving forward as one. The minority now belongs to the Israelites - the sons of Abraham - whose ancestors killed the christian Jew, Jesus. Their continued aggression and antagonisation of Palestinian peoples has blemished their once-peaceful image - an image used to solicit compassion in the US where so many Jews reside, funding the industries of film and clandestine banking. It was this sympathy in the States which prompted so much free trade of training, weapons, funny over-long suits, and bagels between the two countries. But now, with Arabs consolidating their position and reconciling their differences it is looking grim for any Hebes taking a stance on the Palestinian land upon which they squat, like a nation of dark and hairy Pikeys.
In the future, will America be forced to reign in the aggressive Israelites? Will a Jewish latter-day prophet arise like the Moses of antiquity to part the Red Sea of Pain brought down upon them by their New World cousins? Will the Hebrew people realise their grievous error in condeming the son of God - the same God worshipped dutifully and sincerely by all States-men, be they black or white, fat or obese, NRA or KKK - to death on a stick, apologise, and finally come to relish pork, as do their pallid and sickly British cousins, in all it's crackly fatty glory? Will they see the truth, that Moses betrayed them on the Mount by toppling their golden-calf idol and calling it false, when in reality the Golden Arches and 100% pure beefboard of MacDonalds truly do rule the world? Well, I have hope, yes. But when hope and reason fail - and often before then, too - I know America stands ready with a Big Fucking Gun, committed to democratically running the world's business. Amen!!
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